ERH Technology Solutions Packaging
ERH Technology Solutions offers pricing options that give clients the choice of how they pay for IT services. ERH also welcomes quote opportunities for project management or one-time hardware/software services.

Monthly Fee per Computer/Server -All Inclusive
An affordable fee per month for each computer or server is the premier option for businesses and schools who need to budget for IT services and minimize costly surprises. Our all-inclusive bundled monthly fee per computer is the most comprehensive coverage which includes the following software packages and services:
Hourly Rate for IT Service
ERH Technology Solutions protects your company's IT infrastructure and data while providing the areas most competitive hourly rates.
Remote & on-site support
Network troubleshooting
Disaster recovery services
IT project management
Workstation setup & support
email & software integration/support

Project Pricing Quotes
There are times when businesses need an IT Expert to manage or assist with a special project such as a major network upgrade. Projects we can help you with include:

Network planning and implementation
Software planning and implementation
Hardware upgrades
Network vulnerability and compliance planning